中国间谍欧洲的失败企图内部 Inside China’s failed attempt to spy on Europe | Cryptopolitan

在一场值得间谍惊悚片的情节转折中,中国动摇欧洲政治的秘密行动刚刚撞上了墙。 故事以中国间谍的尝试展开 In a plot twist worthy of a spy thriller, China’s covert operation to sway European politics just hit a wall. The story unfolds with Chinese spies attempting — Read on 中国在欧洲的间谍企图因利用比利时政治家影响政治讨论而动摇。 中国间谍Daniel Woo旨在操纵欧洲关于香港和维吾尔人等敏感问题的话语。 尽管做出了努力,但行动收效甚微,凸显了国际间谍活动的复杂性和风险。 China’s espionage attempt in Europe faltered with their use of a Belgian politician to influence political discussions. Daniel […]

是的。 这是中国。 再次。 北京地铁车祸导致102人骨折 Beijing subway crash leaves 102 with broken bones – yes. This is China. Again.

据中国官方媒体报道,北京两列地铁在高峰时段发生碰撞,导致102人骨折。 事件发生后,500多人被送往医院,该事件发生在当地时间周四19:00左右(格林尼治标准时间11:00)。 A rush hour collision between two subway trains in Beijing has left 102 people with broken bones, Chinese state media reported. More than 500 people were sent to hospital after the incident, which occurred at about 19:00 local time (11:00 GMT) on Thursday. — Read on

马科斯发誓在中国侵略期间捍卫菲律宾的主权 Marcos vows to defend Philippines’ sovereignty amid China aggression

菲律宾海事特别工作组周日指责中国海岸警卫队“严重损坏”了其一艘被水炮“直接瞄准”的船只,并冲撞了另一艘。 The Philippines Maritime Task Force accused Sunday the China Coast Guard of “severely damaging” one of its vessels that was “directly targeted” by water cannon, and of ramming another. — Read on

‘You’re ruining my family’: high-speed stand-off as woman in China refuses to give up train seat booked by another passenger | South China Morning Post “你毁了我的家庭”:高速对峙,因为中国妇女拒绝放弃另一名乘客预订的火车座位

女人只支付站立票,但想和丈夫坐在一起当预订并支付座位的乘客到达,而女人拒绝移动时,紧张的僵局就开始了—在www.scmp.com上阅读 Woman only pays for standing ticket but wants to sit with husband Tense stand-off begins when passenger who booked and paid for seat arrives and woman refuses to move — Read on

中国用塑料瓶向西藏人出售西藏水是骗局 China selling water from Tibet in plastic bottles to Tibetans is scam: Report – ThePrint –

中国正在窃取西藏的地下水,并将其卖回给西藏人,西藏人之前是免费获得的。在其中一则广告中,人们看到一名年轻的西藏游牧妇女在宣传一种中国品牌的瓶装水,该瓶装水实际上来自西藏。 China is stealing Tibet’s groundwater and selling it back to Tibetans, who previously got it for free. In one of the ads, a young Tibetan nomad woman was seen promoting a Chinese brand of bottled water that is actually sourced from Tibet. — Read on Very Chinese like behavior , 非常中国人喜欢的行为 中华民族的行动。This is […]

China reportedly stole US military technology for its J-20 fighter 据报道,中国为其J-20战斗机窃取了美国军事技术

China ripped off United States military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information to keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps in the future, according to a report on Thursday. — Read on

America’s new B-21 Raider has 4 big secrets China wants to steal | 美国新型B-21突袭机有4大秘密 中国欲窃取

America’s new B-21 Raider has 4 big secrets that China’s military is desperate to steal, including whether the stealth bomber is capable of unmanned flight. — Read on So, can China crack the secrets of the B-21? We know China will try. At Plant 42 in California, the Air Force says people are found “walking […]