
小时候,美国是敌人,法国是敌人,英国是敌人,菲律宾越南韩国是敌人…后来,印度是敌人,同族兄弟台湾也是敌人,就连”老大哥”苏修也成了敌人!我恨他们,我想当兵去打他们。 慢慢的,我长大了,我百思不得其解:我们为什么有这么多敌人? 现在,终于明白了:原来,我们是世界公敌! When I was a child, the United States was the enemy, France was the enemy, the United Kingdom was the enemy, and the Philippines, Vietnam and South Korea were enemies… Later, India was the enemy, Taiwan, the brother of the same race, was also the enemy, and even the “Big Brother” Su […]

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes. 非洲基础设施项目的中国工人:与东道国政权的联系

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes — Read on theconversation.com/chinese-workers-on-africas-infrastructure-projects-the-link-with-host-political-regimes-195732 为什么这很重要 我们的发现有几个重要的含义。首先,东道国机构很重要。东道国政府有能力确保中国公司在当地招聘。 其次,在当地雇用的项目可能会给东道国带来更多的长期经济利益。这既可以通过他们创造的就业机会,也可以通过向更广泛的经济转让知识和技术转让来实现。因此,我们的分析表明,中国建筑基础设施更广泛的发展效益实际上在民主国家可能比在专制国家更强大。 最后,这对中国的外交政策和外交关系有影响。许多中国公民在专制国家,在那里他们可能会受到le的欢迎

Taiwan reports record incursion by Chinese bomber aircraft | CNN

台湾国防部周二表示,中国已经向台湾防空区派遣了创纪录的18架核能力H-6轰炸机,同时中国政府继续加大对台湾自治岛的压力。 据台湾国防部称,这18架轰炸机是中国派往台湾西南防空识别区(通常称为防空识别区的缓冲区)的21架战机的一部分。   China has sent a record 18 nuclear-capable H-6 bomber aircraft into Taiwan’s air defense zone, the island’s Defense Ministry said Tuesday, as Beijing continues to step-up pressure on the self-ruled island. — Read on www.cnn.com/2022/12/13/asia/taiwan-chinese-bombers-incursion-intl-hnk/