我们找到了新冠肺炎的”动物起源”吗? Have we found the ‘animal origin’ of Covid? – BBC News

在2020年初,当新冠肺炎仍然是一种神秘疾病时,中国疾病控制中心(CDC)从市场采集了样本。这些样本中包含的遗传信息直到最近才被简短地公开,这使一组研究人员能够解码它们,并将浣熊狗作为可能的“中间宿主”,疾病从中蔓延到人身上。根据3月20日在线发布的一项分析,这项分析的关键是,正在出售的野生哺乳动物浣熊狗的DNA生活在肉类市场上,与SARS CoV-2检测呈阳性的拭子在同一个位置被发现。—阅读www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65067264 During the early days of 2020, when Covid was still a mystery disease, the Chinese Centers for Disease Control (CDC) took samples from the market. The genetic information contained in those samples has only recently been made, briefly, public, and that enabled a team of researchers to decode them and point to racoon […]

Shanghai hospitals overwhelmed as Covid cases spike 上海医院因新冠肺炎患者剧增而蜂拥而至

A month after mainland China ditched its zero-Covid policy, hospitals have been seeing a surge in the number of Covid-19 patients. The Post visited two hospitals in Shanghai, where emergency rooms were swamped with patients, many of them elderly. 中国大陆放弃零新冠肺炎政策一个月后,医院新冠肺炎患者剧增。 《邮报》走访了上海的两家医院,那里的急诊室挤满了病人,其中许多是老年人。  

Beijing has suspended more than 1,000 social media accounts critical of its zero-COVID policy – POLITICO 北京打击社交媒体对新冠病毒政策的批评 中国社交媒体平台新浪微博对1120个帐户发布临时或永久禁令。

Beijing clamps down on social media critics of COVID policies Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo issues temporary or permanent bans on 1,120 accounts. — Read on www.politico.eu/article/china-zero-covid-policy-coronavirus-social-media-critics-sina-weibo/ 据美联社报道,相当于中国推特的新浪微博表示,在处理了12800多起违规行为,包括对专家、学者和医务人员的袭击后,它已对1120个帐户发布了临时或永久禁令。

Top engineers and scientists dying at an unprecedented rate in China after lifting of Covid controls | South China Morning Post 在中国,顶尖工程师和科学家在解除新冠病毒控制后以前所未有的速度死亡

The Chinese Academy of Engineering reported that 20 members have died in less than a month, compared with an average annual death rate of 16 One doctor in Beijing said academy members usually have privileged access to healthcare, but now there are no beds available to treat them — Read on www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205736/top-engineers-and-scientists-dying-unprecedented-rate-china-after-lifting-covid-controls 中国工程院报告称,不到一个月就有20名成员死亡,而年均死亡率为16人 北京的一位医生说,学院成员通常有特权获得医疗保健,但现在没有床位来治疗他们