普京用核决定“羞辱”中国习近平:前大使 Putin ‘Humiliated’ China’s Xi With Nuclear Decision: Former Ambassador

据Michael McFaul周日报道,俄罗斯似乎忽视了与中国不将核武器部署到境外的协议。 Russia seems to have overlooked its agreement with China to not deploy nuclear weapons beyond their national borders, according to Michael McFaul on Sunday. — Read on www.newsweek.com/putin-humiliated-chinas-xi-nuclear-decision-former-ambassador-1790382 普京和[白俄罗斯总统亚历山大]卢卡申科都羞辱了习近平。记住,Luka刚刚对中国进行了一次花哨的国事访问。习近平刚来莫斯科。无法想象这个决定在北京进展顺利,” “Both Putin and [Belarusian President Alexander] Lukashenko humiliated Xi . Remember, Luka was just treated to a fancy state visit to China. Xi just […]

俄罗斯和中国如何战胜西方 How Russia and China overtook the West – UnHerd

A new world order is slowly taking shape — Read on unherd.com/2023/03/how-russia-and-china-overtook-the-west/ 对俄罗斯实施了制裁,并向乌克兰提供了军事援助:英国、美国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚、韩国、日本和欧盟——换句话说,那些直接在美国势力范围内的国家,在许多情况下,这涉及美国的重要军事存在。 自入侵以来,中国大幅增加了对俄罗斯石油、天然气和煤炭的购买,同时向另一个方向出口更多的机械、制成品和高端电子产品;他们促进了30%以上的双边贸易。两国还承诺通过上海合作组织开展重大投资和基础设施项目,上海合作组织是世界上最大的地理范围和人口区域集团,其中还包括印度、巴基斯坦、伊朗和所有主要的中亚共和国。 今天,当习近平和普京坐下来讨论乌克兰的未来时,这意味着很清楚。中国和俄罗斯并没有与西方脱钩;相反,西方正在与世界其他地区脱钩。 have imposed sanctions on Russia and sent military aid to Ukraine: the UK, US, Canada, Britain, Australia, South Korea, Japan and the EU — in other words, those countries that are directly under the US sphere of influence, which in […]

Russia gets drones from China:despite Beijing proposing ‘peace plan’ and the West warn president Xi not to arm Putin 俄罗斯从中国获得无人机:尽管北京提出了“和平计划”,但西方警告习近平主席不要武装普京

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11789507/Russia-gets-drones-China-Kremlin-talks-manufacturer-Beijing-proposes-peace-plan.html Chinese drone manufacturer Xian Bingo Intelligent Aviation Technology had said it was prepared to make 100 prototypes of its ZT-180 drone, which the magazine said could carry a 35-50kg warhead. Der Spiegel did not cite specific sources. 中国无人机制造商西安宾果智能航空技术表示,它准备制造其ZT-180无人机的100个原型,该杂志表示,该无人机可以携带35-50公斤的弹头。Der Spiegel没有引用具体来源。

U.S. concerned by China-Russia ties as Putin signals Xi visit 美方关注中俄关系 普京暗示习近平访俄 Opinion : China want more caotic World – do not want Russia to Stop War 中国希望世界更加混乱,不希望俄罗斯停止战争

https://www.reuters.com/world/chinas-top-diplomat-expects-new-agreements-with-russia-during-moscow-visit-2023-02-22/ Wang told Putin that relations between the two countries had withstood a volatile international situation. The relationship between China and Russia, Wang said through an interpreter, was not directed against any third party but equally would “not succumb to pressure from third parties” – a clear jab at the United States. “Together we support […]