Russia gets drones from China:despite Beijing proposing ‘peace plan’ and the West warn president Xi not to arm Putin 俄罗斯从中国获得无人机:尽管北京提出了“和平计划”,但西方警告习近平主席不要武装普京 Chinese drone manufacturer Xian Bingo Intelligent Aviation Technology had said it was prepared to make 100 prototypes of its ZT-180 drone, which the magazine said could carry a 35-50kg warhead. Der Spiegel did not cite specific sources. 中国无人机制造商西安宾果智能航空技术表示,它准备制造其ZT-180无人机的100个原型,该杂志表示,该无人机可以携带35-50公斤的弹头。Der Spiegel没有引用具体来源。