荷兰警告称,如果中国向俄罗斯提供武器,中国将面临后果. China Will Face Consequences If It Arms Russia, Dutch Warn China Will Face Consequences If It Arms Russia, Dutch Warn



Dutch Foreign Minister Wopke Hoekstra said China would face consequences if it were to consider shipping weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine amid broader US warnings that Beijing may begin offering Moscow military aid. 

“What I will convey to each of the colleagues, including my Chinese colleague here, is that the truth here is not somewhere in the middle, there is only one country responsible and that is Russia,” Hoekstra told reporters on the sidelines of the Group of 20 foreign ministers’ summit in New Delhi. Helping Moscow militarily “will have consequences if countries crossed that line, in my opinion.”

荷兰外交部长胡克斯特拉(Wopke Hoekstra)表示,如果中国考虑向俄罗斯运送武器,以应对其在乌克兰的战争,美国将发出更广泛的警告,称中国可能开始向莫斯科提供军事援助。

胡克斯特拉在新德里举行的20国集团外长会议上对记者说:”我要向包括我在内的每一位同事转达的是,这里的真相并不在中间,只有一个国家负责,那就是俄罗斯。 在我看来,帮助莫斯科”如果国家越过这条线,将会产生后果。 “

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