China says spread of Covid ‘impossible’ to track as infections soar in Beijing | China | The Guardian 中国卫生当局表示,现在“无法”追踪 Covid-19 在中国的传播,并宣布他们已停止在日常统计中记录无症状病例。

All chinese and ccp said few month ago “We won over virus ! “ 几个月前,所有中国人和中共都说 “我们战胜了病毒!”   The spread of Covid-19 in China is now “impossible” to track, the country’s health authorities have said, announcing they have stopped recording asymptomatic cases in their daily tallies. 中国表示,随着北京地区感染人数剧增,新冠肺炎的传播情况”无法”追踪 由于新冠肺炎的严格政策突然结束,医疗用品和检查工具不足,保健当局停止了无症状病例记录。— Read on