Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists | South China Morning Post 泰国开始筛查抵达者,以获得新冠肺炎疫苗接种证明,为中国游客的涌入做准备

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists — Read on 从周一开始,所有飞往泰国的外国人必须出示至少两次注射的证据,或证明他们最近已经从病毒中康复 这些规则将适用到1月31日。这个东南亚国家预计将在未来三个月内迎来30万中国游客

Why do China’s ‘mild’ Covid symptoms feel so unbearable? | 为什么中国的“轻度”新冠肺炎症状感觉如此难以忍受?

By lumping asymptomatic and mild cases together, Beijing gave people the ‘wrong expectation’, experts say. — Read on 专家表示,通过将无症状和轻度病例混为一谈,北京给了人们“错误的期望” 中国的分类是“错误的、误导性的和不可接受的”:病毒学家 Opinion : Is he a real covid expert ? Then how come he and all Chinese people cheered up and proudly said ” We won over the war of covid ! ” until just […]

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no | The Straits Times 美国一直向中国提供新冠肺炎疫苗,但中国一直说不

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no — Read on 在北京与快速蔓延的新冠肺炎浪潮作斗争时,中国拒绝了美国一再提出的分享先进疫苗的提议,这种拒绝导致担心疫情死灰复燃的美国官员越来越沮丧。 据要求在讨论审议时不愿透露姓名的美国官员称,美国担心新变种的兴起及其对中国经济的影响,多次通过私人渠道向习近平主席政府提供mRNA疫苗和其他援助。

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion | Daily Mail Online 随着尸体堆积在火葬场和殡仪馆,中国家庭“开始在街上焚烧亲人的尸体”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion as corpses pile up in crematoriums and funeral homes — Read on   video from dailymail website :   据报道,由于紧急服务及火葬场未能容纳大量死者,市民被迫在街上焚烧家人尸体。 真让人心碎 #CHINA: The #COVID outbreak is reportedly forcing people to burn the bodies of their families members on […]