For Tibetans, getting information past China’s barriers is harder than ever – The Globe and Mail 对西藏人来说,让信息越过中国的壁垒比以往任何时候都更难

— Read on 曾经与国外联系人共享信息的西藏人被压制,他们的电话和互联网通信受到监视,对告密者的恐惧一直在场。像许多西藏人一样,Penthok只有一个名字,他说,即使消息来源确实伸出援手,她也必须权衡使用他们信息的潜在成本,因为通常“中国人很容易确定谁在说话”。

U.S. crackdown on Chinese forced labor hits solar industry 镇压旨在惩罚中国在新疆全省治疗维吾尔人和其他少数民族的行为,并相应地削弱了美国太阳能市场并冻结了其供应链。

Intended to punish China for its treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities across Xinjiang province, the crackdown has had the corresponding effect of crippling the U.S. solar market and freezing its supply chain. — Read on 自去年6月针对中国制造商的强迫劳动法生效以来,美国海关和边境巡逻官员已经扣押了价值约13亿美元的进口商品, Captured from article Captured from article

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset | Opinions | Al Jazeera. 科技巨头离开中国的枢纽可以带来人权重置 对于像苹果这样的公司来说,与中国脱钩可能是改善其人权记录的机会。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset For companies like Apple, decoupling from China can be an opportunity to improve their human rights record. — Read on 他们应该抵制政府任意限制言论自由的命令,并在供应链中实施劳动保护。 他们应该完全透明地了解如何与政府谈判市场准入和许可协议,并公开此类文件,以授权独立监督。 公司应该制定强有力的政策,说明在面临政府压力时如何履行其人权责任,并与民间社会进行公开磋商,以制定明确的基准和红线。 公司必须致力于独立的人权影响评估,这些评估应随着条件的变化进行修订,并公开提供。 这些公司的股东团体还应该向公司领导层强调遵守其人权责任的重要性。

This happened at XInjiang house fire results 10 death by Xi’s brutal lockdown   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could only stand by the window to watch, because everyone was locked at home. 在新疆乌鲁木齐大火中,居民最后的惨叫声被烧死,其他居民只能站在窗边观看,因为大家都锁在家里。   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could […]