China is erasing their culture. In exile, Uyghurs remain defiant.中国正在抹杀他们的文化。 在流亡中,维吾尔人仍然反抗。

A growing Uyghur diaspora has found refuge—and a reconnection to their culture—in the neighbourhoods of Istanbul.

中国正在抹杀他们的文化。 在流亡中,维吾尔人仍然反抗。

“One day, we will raise this flag in our homeland,” Küseni says. “Are you ready?”

“Yes!” the children reply in unison, placing their right hands to their chests as the East Turkestan anthem “March of Salvation” plays. In Xinjiang that would also be illegal. Then the students crowd into an assembly hall where a carpeted stage, backed by lilac drapes and an arch of white flowers, has been arranged in front of rows of plastic chairs.

“有一天,我们将在我们的祖国升起这面旗帜,”库塞尼说。 “你准备好了吗?”

“是的!”孩子们齐声回答,右手放在胸前,唱着东突厥国歌《救世进行曲》。 在新疆,这也是非法的。 然后,学生们挤进一个会议厅,在紫丁香窗帘和白色花拱的衬托下,在一排排塑料椅子前摆放了一个铺着地毯的舞台。

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