云南抗议:清真寺关闭与安全部队发生冲突 Yunnan protest: Mosque closure sees clashes with security forces – BBC News

周六,社交媒体视频显示,纳古镇13世纪的纳家英清真寺外有人群。警察和当地人之间爆发了混战,他们被数百名武装警察所控制。云南是中国南方一个种族多样化的省份,拥有大量穆斯林人口。中国正式成为无神论者,政府表示允许宗教自由。但观察人士表示,近年来,对有组织宗教的镇压有所增加——北京正在寻求更大的控制。Social media videos showed crowds outside the 13th-century Najiaying Mosque in Nagu town on Saturday.
Scuffles broke out between police and locals, who were hemmed in by hundreds of armed officers.
Yunnan, an ethnically-diverse province in southern China, has a significant Muslim population.
China is officially atheist and the government says it allows religious freedom. But observers say there has been an increased crackdown on organised religion in recent years – with Beijing seeking greater control.
— Read on www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-65743609





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