China: Free ‘White Paper’ Protesters | Human Rights Watch 人权观察今天表示,中国当局应立即释放并撤销对因参加反对政府的“白皮书”抗议活动而被拘留的人的所有指控。当局还应停止骚扰律师和抗议者的朋友,停止在社交媒体上审查与抗议相关的信息。

Chinese authorities should immediately release and drop all charges against everyone detained for participating in the “white paper” protests against the government, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also cease harassment of lawyers and friends of protesters and the censorship of protest-related information on social media.
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人权观察中国高级研究员Yaqiu Wang说:“中国年轻人正在为敢于为自由和人权大声疾呼而付出沉重的代价。”“世界各地的政府和国际机构应该表示支持,并呼吁中国当局立即释放它们。”

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