China: Free ‘White Paper’ Protesters | Human Rights Watch 人权观察今天表示,中国当局应立即释放并撤销对因参加反对政府的“白皮书”抗议活动而被拘留的人的所有指控。当局还应停止骚扰律师和抗议者的朋友,停止在社交媒体上审查与抗议相关的信息。

Chinese authorities should immediately release and drop all charges against everyone detained for participating in the “white paper” protests against the government, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also cease harassment of lawyers and friends of protesters and the censorship of protest-related information on social media. — Read on 2022年11月,包括上海、北京、成都和武汉等城市在内的数千人走上街头,抗议政府的严格新冠肺炎措施,并谴责中国共产党的专制统治。示威者拿着空白文件——因此是“白皮书”抗议——并高呼“结束零新冠病毒”、“我们希望人权”和“打倒共产党!”等口号。 人权观察中国高级研究员Yaqiu Wang说:“中国年轻人正在为敢于为自由和人权大声疾呼而付出沉重的代价。”“世界各地的政府和国际机构应该表示支持,并呼吁中国当局立即释放它们。”

Watch: Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared | CNN 中国抗议者制作视频警告她可能会消失。然后,她消失了

Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared — Read on In the weeks following anti-zero Covid protests in Beijing, a protester made a video warning she could vanish. Soon after filming the video, she was arrested. CNN’s Selina Wang reports.

China protest   Human’s crave freedom. We must stand with the people of China. God bless — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 27, 2022  

Video: Hear protesters in China call for Xi Jinping’s resignation – CNN Video

Hear protesters in China call for Xi Jinping’s resignation Protests erupted across China, including at universities and in Shanghai where hundreds chanted “Step down, Xi Jinping! Step down, Communist Party!” — Read on 听到中国抗议者要求习近平下台 抗议活动在中国各地爆发,包括在大学和上海,数百人高呼“下台,习近平!下台,共产党!”

Fury over China’s insane, endless COVID lockdowns exposes President Xi

“Need human rights, need freedom,” chanted hundreds of protesters Saturday night in Shanghai, along with “Don’t want Covid test, want freedom!” and “Don’t want dictatorship, want democracy!” Plus demands for President Xi Jinping to “step down.” — Read on “需要人权,需要自由,”周六晚上在上海,数百名抗议者高喊着“不要新冠病毒测试,要自由!” 和“不要独裁,要民主!” 加上要求习近平主席“下台”。

Beijing residents refuse building lockdown, COVID-19 testing | Flipboard

COVID-19 restrictions were lifted for some residents in Beijing’s Chaoyang district on Saturday, after they questioned the decisions of property management to lock all building exits two days earlier.. See more videos about Videos, China, Beijing, Coronavirus (Asia), Coronavirus (China), Coronavirus (COVID-19). — Read on 北京居民拒绝封城和pcr检测

Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy – CNN

Protests erupt across China in unprecedented challenge to Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy – CNN 反对独裁!”人群高呼。我们不想要终身统治者。我们不想要皇帝!”他们几乎不加掩饰地提到了习近平,习近平上个月开始了令人惊天动常的第三个任期   — Read on 中国各地爆发抗议活动,对习近平的零疫情政策提出前所未有的挑战  

Clashes in Shanghai as COVID protests flare across China 随着 COVID 抗议活动在中国各地爆发,上海发生冲突 习近平主席领导下的非暴力反抗浪潮史无前例 人们对习近平的零新冠病毒政策日益沮丧 乌鲁木齐致命的公寓火灾引发了示威游行 抗议城市中的北京、成都、兰州、武汉 Wave of civil disobedience unprecedented under President Xi Rising frustration over Xi’s zero-COVID policy Deadly apartment fire in Urumqi sparked demonstrations Beijing, Chengdu, Lanzhou, Wuhan among cities with protests

Guangzhou people protest over brutal lockdown by Xi jinping There were also angry protests in Guangzhou again last night.#Guangzhou #ChinaUprisingThread #China — 247ChinaNews (@247ChinaNews) November 25, 2022