In China, youth frustration over zero-Covid policy is taking a political turn 在中国,年轻人对零冠状病毒政策的沮丧情绪正在发生政治转变In China, youth frustration over zero-Covid policy is taking a political turn

A simple “Are you okay?” was enough for Stella (not her real name), 30 years old, to open the floodgates: “Five months after the Shanghai lockdown, we are still locked up in China. We don’t know if we will be able to go outside next weekend or even leave our apartment because we are still at risk of being quarantined at the slightest contact in the building. This constant uncertainty is exhausting. I want to go out, to see the world,” said the young woman, sitting on a mattress in a gym in the city center

一个简单的”你还好吗?” 就足以让30岁的斯特拉(化名)打开闸门:”上海封锁五个月后,我们仍然被关在中国。 因为还在建筑物内稍有接触就会被隔离的危险,所以不知道下周末是否可以外出,甚至可以离开公寓。 这种不断的不确定性令人精疲力竭。 我想出去看看世界。” 年轻女子坐在市中心一家健身房的床垫上说道

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