中国试图“埋葬零新冠时代的记忆”和创伤。 他们知道那是多么可怕和野蛮的行为并且没有效果 China tries to ‘bury the memory’ and trauma of zero-COVID era. They know how that was terrible and barbarian behavior and no-effect

Loud success, quiet failure 一开始,中国的宣传和被洗脑的中国人民一起取得了巨大的成功,但失败却发生了,中国人假装不存在发生过的事情。

While the zero-COVID policy ended in failure and trauma, according to Hou, it was initially quite successful.

“In 2020 and 2021, we luckily didn’t really feel the pandemic in China,” he said.

After a late response to the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities subsequently managed to get the pandemic under control, and by mid-2020, normal life had resumed and social order was restored.

That was a contrast to several high-income countries in the Western world where health services struggled when the pandemic first struck, according to assistant professor Yan Long, who has studied the development of Chinese public health policies at the University of California, Berkeley.

That also made the zero-COVID policy a source of national pride in China and an opportunity for the Chinese leadership to showcase, at least domestically, that China had outdone countries such as the United States.

“It was a way to say, ‘Look, democracy has failed, we succeeded’,” Long told Al Jazeera.

The success began to fray, however, with the emergence of more infectious COVID-19 variants such as omicron. Immense resources were poured into constant rounds of mass testing and the implementation of lockdowns, but the measures failed to put an end to new outbreaks.

“The zero-COVID policy became financially unsustainable, and scientifically impossible, while the confidence in the policy also began to drastically decline,” Long said.

“By 2022, COVID was no longer the biggest fear. People were more afraid of the disruption of the lockdowns.”

Children in a hospital corridor. They are attached to drips and wearing face masks.
After asking Beijing for more data on the ‘influenza-like illness’, the WHO concluded it was not a new pathogen [File: Jade Gao/AFP]

Hou from Shanghai agrees that towards the end, the zero-COVID policy felt worse than COVID-19.

“The policy made life a living hell,” he said.

Hou knows of many people who experienced traumatic episodes during the lockdowns as well as in the subsequent rapid reopening of society.

“But unlike me, most people I know don’t want to talk about the COVID times. They just want to forget them,” he said.

Long, the academic, doubts that Chinese people have had a chance to heal after what happened.

“It is now a year later, and there has been no discussion about COVID, no reflection about what was right and what was wrong,” she said.

“When you bury the memory, you don’t learn any lessons, which means there is no guarantee that the same mistakes won’t be made again.”

“So many people suffered under the zero-COVID policy, and so many people died when it ended,” Ma said.




中国当局对武汉最初爆发的 COVID-19 疫情反应较晚,随后成功控制了疫情,到 2020 年中期,正常生活已经恢复,社会秩序也得到恢复。




然而,随着 omicron 等更具传染性的 COVID-19 变种的出现,这种成功开始受到影响。 大量资源投入到不断的大规模检测和实施封锁中,但这些措施未能阻止新的疫情爆发。


“到 2022 年,新冠肺炎不再是最大的恐惧。 人们更害怕封锁的破坏。”
医院走廊里的孩子们。 他们滴着点滴,戴着口罩。
在向北京询问有关“流感样疾病”的更多数据后,世界卫生组织得出结论,这不是一种新病原体[文件:Jade Gau /法新社]

来自上海的侯也同意,到最后,零新冠政策感觉比新冠病毒 (COVID-19) 更糟糕。



“但与我不同的是,我认识的大多数人都不想谈论新冠疫情时代。 他们只是想忘记他们,”他说。




“Because of that, my family and I are traumatised to this day.”

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