中国AI利用中国人“偷”的传统文化发声. China AI making noise using the Chinese people’s traditional culture of “stealing” well..谷歌员工丁林伟被控窃取人工智能商业机密,秘密与中国合作


China’s decision to invest in developing new technologies means that it will start stealing from foreign countries.
When China announces a new technology, it means that it has just finished translating the steal foreign technology into Chinese.
China’s display of new technology means that it has put an end to the translation of steal foreign technology, an end to Communist censorship, and an end to China’s very unsophisticated packaging.

Ex-Google Engineer Charged With Stealing A.I. Secrets for Chinese Firm 前谷歌工程师被控窃取人工智能 中国企业的秘密. 谷歌员工丁林伟被控窃取人工智能商业机密,秘密与中国合作

中国习近平呼吁加强国家对人工智能的控制以应对“危险风暴” China’s Xi Jinping calls for greater state control of AI to counter ‘dangerous storms’


网络安全公司 I-Soon 的数据让我们得以难得一睹中国黑客计划的内部运作情况

what we’ve learned from China’s enormous cyber leak

Data from cyber security firm I-Soon offers a rare glimpse in to the inner workings of China’s hacking program

Leaked files from Chinese firm show vast international hacking effort 中国公司泄露的文件显示国际黑客活动规模巨大

Data from cyber security firm I-Soon offers a rare glimpse in to the inner workings of China’s hacking program
Who was paying I-Soon?

Judging from the leaks, most of I-Soon’s customers were provincial or local police departments – as well as province-level state security agencies responsible for protecting the Communist party from perceived threats to its rule. The firm also offered clients help protecting their devices from hacking and securing their communications – with many of their contracts listed as “non-secret”.

There were references to official corruption: in one chat, salesmen discussed selling the company’s products to police – and planned to give kickbacks to those involved in the sale.

There were also references to a client in Xinjiang, where Beijing is accused of grave human rights abuses. But workers complained about the challenges of doing business in the tense region.

“Everyone thinks of Xinjiang like a nice big cake … but we have suffered too much there,” one wrote.

网络安全公司 I-Soon 的数据让我们得以难得一睹中国黑客计划的内部运作情况

从泄露的信息来看,I-Soon 的大多数客户都是省级或地方警察部门,以及负责保护共产党免受其统治威胁的省级国家安全机构。 该公司还为客户提供帮助,保护他们的设备免遭黑客攻击并保护他们的通信安全——他们的许多合同被列为“非秘密”。


其中还提到了新疆的一位客户,北京被指控在那里严重侵犯人权。 但工人们抱怨在局势紧张的地区开展业务面临的挑战。



China offers AI computing ‘vouchers’ to its underpowered start-ups
Chinese tech giants are hogging scarce cloud resources to develop generative AI models as US restrictions bite

Baidu may be the world’s most unloved AI stock 百度可能是全球最不受欢迎的人工智能股票

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