习近平对权力的渴望正在损害中国经济 Xi Jinping’s hunger for power is hurting China’s economy

新的经济计划不会结束通货紧缩,即使他让总理靠边站 A new economic plan won’t end deflation, even as he sidelines his prime minister


All of China is going reverse to it’s Mao’s era after Xi emperor came up. 习皇帝上台后,整个中国正在倒退到毛泽东时代。

整个中国正在回到1970年代的毛泽东时代。 经济下滑,很多政府支持的公司破产,从私营公司变成国有公司,皇帝时代就像残酷而严格的民事控制,愚蠢的民族主义(毛泽东时代的红军)使中国人民的公民意识下降。
中国各地不断发生重大事故,如21名邻居被枪杀、住宅楼失火导致104人死亡、破烂的水坝洪水涌进村庄、工人抗议6个月未发工资、教师离校导致学生返校等。 家。 愤怒的醉酒驾驶在路上撞到了40名7岁儿童。电动汽车和电动滑板车每天都在爆炸。 电动汽车和电动滑板车每天都在爆炸。 一场大火仅在一个县就烧毁了 140 座山,政府对此却无能为力。一切都将在 2024 年发生.

All of China is going back to it’s Mao’s era in 1970’s . economic sliding, a lot of government backed companies bankrupt, become state owned companies from private companies, Emperor era’s like brutal and tight civil control, downfall civil sense of Chinese peoples along by stupidity nationalism (red army in Mao’s era).
A lot of big accidents are rising everywhere in China as like 21neighbor killed by shooting, 104people died by rage fire in residence building, poor constructed broken dam flood into village, furious worker’s protest for not-paid salary over 6month, teachers are leaving school that makes students get back home. Rage drunken driving hit 40 7years old children on the road.

EV Cars and electric scooter’s explosion everyday everywhere. Big wild fire burnt 140 mountains in only one state but nothing government do for this.

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