WHO working with China on Lunar New Year COVID risks, lacks data | Reuters 世卫组织还表示,尽管中国现在提供了更多关于新冠肺炎疫情的信息,但中国仍然严重低估了新冠肺炎的死亡报告。 新冠肺炎技术负责人Maria Van Kerkhove说:“我们正在与中国合作填补一些非常重要的信息空白。” 中国拒绝了国际社会对其统计数据的怀疑,认为其出于政治动机试图抹杀其在抗击病毒方面的成就。

The WHO also said China is still heavily underreporting deaths from COVID-19, although it is now providing more information on its outbreak. “There are some very important information gaps that we are working with China to fill,” said COVID-19 technical lead, Maria Van Kerkhove. China has rejected international scepticism of its statistics as politically motivated […]