所有新疾病都来自中国。All new diseases comes from China. Chinese city proposes lockdowns for flu — and faces a backlash 中国城市提议封锁流感,并面临强烈反对


While cases of Covid in China are falling, there has been a spike in flu cases across the country and some pharmacies are struggling to meet demand for flu remedies. 虽然中国的新冠肺炎病例正在下降,但全国各地的流感病例激增,一些药店正在努力满足对流感补救措施的需求。

At the first and highest level, it says, “the city can lock down infected areas, carry out traffic quarantines and suspend production and business activities. Shopping malls, theaters, libraries, museums, tourist attractions and other crowded places will also be closed.” “At this emergency level, schools and nurseries at all levels would be shut down and be made responsible for tracking students’ and infants’ health conditions.” The backlash comes as the central government in Beijing has emphasized the need to open the country back up following the removal of all Covid restrictions in January.

从第一层和最高层来看,该市可以封锁感染地区,实行交通防疫,并停止生产和营业活动。 商场、剧院、图书馆、博物馆、旅游景点等拥挤场所也将关闭。” “在这个紧急级别,各级学校和托儿所将被关闭,并负责跟踪学生和婴儿的健康状况。” 北京中央政府在今年1月取消所有新冠肺炎限制后,一直强调有必要重新开放国家,因此出现了反对的声音。

Xi’an itself was subject to a draconian lockdown between December 2021 and January 2022, with 13 million residents confined to their homes for weeks on end — and many left short of food and other essential supplies. Access to medical services was also affected. In an incident that shocked and angered the nation, a heavily pregnant woman was turned awayfrom a hospital on New Year’s Day because she didn’t have a valid Covid-19 test, and suffered a miscarriage after she was finally admitted two hours later. 在2021年12月至2022年1月期间,西安本身受到严厉的封锁,1300万居民连续几周被限制在家中,许多人缺乏食物和其他必需品。获得医疗服务的机会也受到影响。在一次震惊和激怒全国的事件中,一名重度孕妇在元旦被医院拒之门外,因为她没有进行有效的新冠肺炎检测,并在两小时后最终入院后流产。


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