China fights lockdown protests by targeting smartphones

Several sources told DW that police in large cities like Shanghai have been randomly checking people’s phones on the street or on subways. Police have demanded people provide personal information and immediately remove apps like Telegram, Twitter or Instagram.

Others have said they were called by police and had their phones searched by authorities.

“Police warned me not to use Telegram and asked me to stop sharing information about the pandemic through the software,” said one protester with the surname Lin, who declined to be identified by his full name due to security concerns.
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多位消息人士告诉德国之声,上海等大城市的警察一直在街头或地铁上随机检查人们的手机。 警方要求人们提供个人信息,并立即删除 Telegram、Twitter 或 Instagram 等应用程序。


一名姓林的抗议者说:“警察警告我不要使用 Telegram,并要求我停止通过该软件分享有关大流行的信息。”出于安全考虑,他拒绝透露全名。

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