中国人戴着爱国的面具,否认真相,害怕,被驯服服从谎言 Chinese people wear patriotic masks, deny the truth, are afraid, and are tamed to obey lies

在中国,说真话是被禁止的,然后进监狱。 只能说中共想要什么。 张展出狱了






In China, telling truth has forbidden and go to jail. Only can say what CCP want. Zhang Zhan is freed from prison in China after 4 years for reporting on Covid-19

This phenomenon is especially severe in young people in China. Four years ago, when this veteran reported the COVID-19 outbreak and the current situation, Chinese youth collectively sold her on the Internet as a fake reporter who was bought by lies and shord numbers, and the more she cursed, the more comedy it was dismissed as a true Chinese patriotic youth.

This phenomenon is now getting worse, and the Chinese Communist Party’s brainwashing education, agitation, and media control are seeing tangible effects.

Perhaps the Chinese Communist Party will make more efforts to educate the Chinese people, and Chinese youth will not be able to distinguish between fanatical agitation and patriotism in the future.

Behind them, I see the face of the Communist Party with a satisfied black smile.

Chinese citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was released from prison after serving four years for charges related to reporting on the Covid-19 outbreak in Wuhan.
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