美国和中国官员将就遏制芬太尼供应进行会晤。 但中国真的想停止生产并向世界药品市场销售吗?U.S., China officials to meet on curbing fentanyl supply. but Does China really want to stop of production & selling to the World’s Drug Market ?

China will does whatever that can makes money.. That is the China, CCP, Chinese 中国会做任何能赚钱的事情。这就是中国,CCP,中国人 https://qz.com/emails/daily-brief/1851204480/china-and-us-to-talk-fentanyl https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-china-officials-to-meet-on-curbing-fentanyl-supply/ar-BB1hoD8o 美国指控中国公司和高管犯有芬太尼犯罪该官员还表示,北京于 11 月向国际麻醉品管制局数据库提交了 145 起毒品相关事件,该数据库是一个用于在国际上分享涉嫌贩运活动信息的工具,这是自 2017 年以来中国政府首次这样做。 11月,北京还发布公告,警告国内50多家前体生产商,如果将这些化学品运往国外,他们可能面临法律诉讼。 他们还警告称,外国当局可能会“陷入困境”,并表示出口商在向美国和墨西哥等国家运送物品时应谨慎行事。 U.S. charges Chinese companies, executives with fentanyl crimesThe official also said that Beijing in November submitted 145 drug-related incidents to the International Narcotics Control Board Database — a tool […]

Boycott Japanese Goods Yet Fish in Japan’s Waters 抵制日货却在日本海域捕鱼

Following Japan’s discharge of nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima plant, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) inflamed nationalistic sentiments among its citizens. Some expressed their anger in extreme ways. At the International Atomic Energy Agency’s annual meeting on September 25, among its 177 member states, only China voiced opposition to Japan’s decision to release the treated […]

中国,请停止破坏地球 ! China, Please stop ruin the Earth!! 中国如何污染邻国,就像病毒向世界传播一样 how China pollute neighbours as like did spread virus to the World

https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/yellow-dust-china-south-korea-japan-sandstorms-air-pollution-12455422.html https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/11/asia/china-sandstorm-hits-beijing-intl-hnk/index.html https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14884348 https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-blanketed-floating-sand-dust-northern-region-expects-see-sandstorm-sweep-region https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/northern-china-blanketed-floating-sand-dust-98548845 Beijing: ‘Worst sandstorm in a decade’ leaves Chinese capital covered in thick brown dust after heavy Gobi Desert winds Monday 15 March 2021 07:11, UK 0:49 https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/core/bridge3.568.1_en.html#goog_1728580444Play Video – Beijing choked in dust stormBeijing faces regular sandstorms due to its proximity to the Gobi desert, and issues such as deforestation […]

中国传播污染 China spreading Pollution to the World 黄沙吞没北京和中国其他地区 Yellow sand engulfs Beijing, other parts of China

WQorld https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/news/20230411_29/ https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202304/11/WS643577f9a31057c47ebb9910.html The air quality in Beijing at one point reached the worst level on the country’s six-tier scale for the second day on Tuesday, as yellow dust blanketed the capital. People were seen wearing masks, and cars were covered with dust. A woman in her 40s said she has been unable to open […]