Boycott Japanese Goods Yet Fish in Japan’s Waters 抵制日货却在日本海域捕鱼

Following Japan’s discharge of nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima plant, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) inflamed nationalistic sentiments among its citizens. Some expressed their anger in extreme ways. At the International Atomic Energy Agency’s annual meeting on September 25, among its 177 member states, only China voiced opposition to Japan’s decision to release the treated water into the ocean. Ironically, while the CCP bans the import of Japanese seafood, Chinese fishing vessels have been spotted fishing off the Japanese coast, selling their catch as “Chinese seafood” domestically.

日本福岛核电站排放核废水后,中共煽动民众民族主义情绪。 一些人以极端的方式表达了他们的愤怒。 在9月25日举行的国际原子能机构年会上,177个成员国中,只有中国对日本将处理后的水排入海洋的决定表示反对。 具有讽刺意味的是,尽管中共禁止进口日本海鲜,但中国渔船却被发现在日本沿海捕鱼,并将其捕获的产品作为“中国海鲜”在国内出售。

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