中国人的非人行为也传到了他们的学生身上。他们的野蛮思想和行为会达到什么程度?The inhumane thinking and behavior of the Chinese are spreading to their school students as well. How far will the end of their barbaric thoughts and actions reach?

school students in the northeastern Chinese city of Zaozhuang have sparked intense online debate with a performance re-enacting the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe. The play staged on October 10, 2023, featured a banner criticising Japan’s decision to release treated wastewater from its crippled Fukushima power plant.

中国东北城市枣庄的学生表演重现日本前首相安倍晋三遇刺事件的表演,在网上引发激烈争论。 该剧于 2023 年 10 月 10 日上演,其中的横幅批评日本决定释放受损的福岛核电站处理过的废水。

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