中国禁止进口日本鱼,中国人决定在日本福岛海域自行非法捕捞。 非常有趣的国家!China ban import Japan fish and then Chinese decided to fish by themselves at Fukushima, Japan Sea by illegally. Very Funny country !!

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《朝日新闻》利用全球渔业观察网站分析了中国渔船在北太平洋北海道根室以东约 1000 公里处的秋刀鱼、鲭鱼和沙丁鱼捕捞区域的活动。

Chinese boats are catching fish in what Beijing calls “Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water” for distribution in China, while the same marine products caught in the same area by Japanese vessels remain banned in that country.

The Chinese government imposed a blanket ban on Japanese seafood imports immediately after the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Co. began releasing treated radioactive water from the stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant a month ago.

But fish caught in the same part of the Pacific Ocean by Chinese vessels are apparently A-OK as domestic products.

The Asahi Shimbun used the Global Fishing Watch website to analyze activities of Chinese boats in a fishing area for sauries, mackerels and sardines about 1,000 kilometers east of Nemuro, Hokkaido, in the North Pacific Ocean.

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