核水撒布机! 中国潜艇发生故障,导致55名船员被中国为诱捕外国潜艇而设置的水下陷阱杀死。 这就是中国!. 潜艇上的55名中国水手担心“落入陷阱”死亡,该陷阱旨在诱骗英国和美国。 这将永远对中国人隐藏起来,就像中共对它的老百姓所做的那样。55 Chinese sailors in submarine feared dead ‘caught in trap’ meant to snare UK and US. This will be hidden to Chinese people forever as CCP has done to it’s people usual.




Up to 55 Chinese sailors are feared dead after a nuclear submarine was “caught in a trap intended to snare British and US vessels”, it has been reported. According to the Mail Online, 22 officers were among those reported to have died in China’s Yellow Sea – including the captain Colonel Xue Yong-Peng. China denies the incident happened. The reported trap was intended to “ensnare British sub-surface vessels” operating off the coast of China’s Shandong Province.

据报道,一艘核潜艇“陷入旨在诱骗英国和美国船只的陷阱中”,预计 55 名中国船员可能死亡。据英国《每日邮报》报道,据报道,有 22 名军官在中国黄海遇难,其中包括船长薛永鹏上校。中国否认发生了这一事件。据报道,这个陷阱的目的是“诱捕在中国山东省沿海作业的英国水下船只”。

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