China’s property market is failing. These are the 3 new growth areas Beijing is focusing on to pull itself out of a tailspin 中国的房地产市场正在衰退。 北京着力摆脱困境的三个新增长领域

但是,习近平和他的内阁不够聪明,无法恢复被他毁掉的中国经济. But, Xi and his cabinet is not smart enough to get back China’s economy that he has ruined China’s economy has been struggling to recover post-pandemic, and its real-estate crisis isn’t helping.President Xi Jinping’s administration is now looking at other industries for growth. 中国经济在疫情后一直在努力复苏,而房地产危机也无济于事。习近平主席的政府现在正在寻求其他行业的增长。