中国大使就前苏联国家不存在一事激怒欧洲 Chinese ambassador sparks European outrage over suggestion former Soviet states don’t exist 这就是中国的水平。 一如既往 This is the level of China. as always 在驻巴黎的高级外交官质疑前苏联各共和国主权后,欧洲国家要求北京作出答复,这些言论可能损害中国被视为俄罗斯和乌克兰之间潜在调解人的努力。 中国驻法国大使鲁沙耶在电视采访中说,前苏联国家在国际法中没有”有效地位”,这引起了外交界的震惊,特别是在波罗的海国家。 European countries are demanding answers from Beijing after its top diplomat in Paris questioned the sovereignty of former Soviet republics, in comments that could undermine China’s efforts to be seen as a potential mediator between Russia and Ukraine. The remarks by China’s ambassador to […]