FBI Director Wray acknowledges bureau assessment that Covid-19 likely resulted from lab incident 美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长雷承认新冠肺炎很有可能是实验室事件造成的。中国实验室泄漏理论很有可能是新型冠状病毒大流行的根源


FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday acknowledged that the bureau believes the Covid-19 pandemic was likely the result of a lab accident in Wuhan, China. In his first public comments on the FBI’s investigation into the virus’ origins during an interview with Fox News, Wray said that “the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.”

美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯托弗•雷(Christopher Wray)22日承认,新冠肺炎大流行很有可能是中国武汉实验室事故的结果。雷在接受福克斯新闻采访时首次公开表示:”FBI在相当长一段时间内一直认为,此次大流行病的起源很有可能是武汉的实验室事件。”


Wray said in the interview that the FBI has a team of experts who focus specifically on the risk of biological threats that come into the “wrong hands,” including by a “hostile nation state.”

“You’re talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab that killed millions of Americans,” Wray said of the coronavirus, “and that’s precisely what that capability was designed for.”

Wray said that most details of the FBI’s investigation remain classified, and that it has been difficult to work with the Chinese government on investigating the pandemic’s origin.

“I will just make the observation that the Chinese government, it seems to me, has been doing its best to try to thwart and obfuscate the work here,” the bureau director said. “The work that our US government and close foreign partners are doing. And that’s unfortunate for everybody.”




他说:”我只是说,在我看来,中国政府一直在尽力阻挠和混淆工作。” 他说:”美国政府及其密切的外国伙伴正在开展的工作。 这对每个人来说都是不幸的。”

美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯托弗•雷在接受福克斯新闻采访时承认,新冠肺炎大流行很有可能是中国武汉实验室事故的结果。FBI Director Christopher Wray acknowledged in a Fox News interview that the bureau believes the Covid-19 pandemic was likely the result of a lab accident in Wuhan, China


越来越多的证据显示武汉实验室感染了新冠肺炎。我们发现了显示Dr.D.的邮件。 Fauci被警告说,这种病毒看起来是人造的,来自一个实验室,但他可能采取了掩盖它的行动。


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