中国供应毒品:美国和墨西哥如何合作驱逐芬太尼和解决边境危机 中国是最大的毒品供应国之一 China Supplied Drug, How America and Mexico can work together to drive out fentanyl and fix the border crisis


追踪芬太尼从中国到墨西哥到美国消耗臭氧物质的致命途径和过去的鸦片贸易一样,芬太尼在中国制造,然后通过墨西哥贩运。 它丰富了中国,增强了卡特尔的力量,动摇了墨西哥的稳定。 它还杀害了数千名墨西哥人和美国人太久了。



we need to link stopping fentanyl to stopping cartels and stopping China.
Mexico is the front line in ending the influx of fentanyl from China.

Tracking fentanyl’s deadly path from China to Mexico to ODs in America Like the opium trade of the past, fentanyl is manufactured in China and then trafficked through Mexico. It’s enriched China, empowered the cartels and destabilized Mexico. It’s also killed thousands of Mexicans and Americans for far too long.

Addressing it means disrupting the supply chain and the support network.
The US-Colombia agreements offer a template that incentivizes Mexico as a full and equal partner in reversing fentanyl transmission while also justifying the use of American assets to reverse the fentanyl influx.
We need to stop accepting failure and those who profit from it.

Both nations have the talent and interests to fix a set of problems that are solvable, self-evident and self-inflicted by both sides.

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