美国当局逮捕了两名涉嫌参与北京阴谋破坏并最终推翻流亡的反共”法轮功”精神运动的中国政府官员。U.S. authorities have arrested two suspected Chinese government agents in connection with an alleged plot by Beijing to disrupt and ultimately topple the exiled anti-communist Falun Gong spiritual movement.



China communist party BROKE INTERNATIONAL LAW EVERYWHERE EVERYDAY 中国共产党每天都在违反国际法



The undercover officer recorded multiple conversations with Chen, and investigators obtained a wire tap to record phone calls in which Chen and Feng discussed instructions they purportedly received from Chinese government officials, prosecutors said.

In one recording, prosecutors said, Chen referred to Chinese government officials as akin to “blood brothers” and, in another, he said Beijing would be “very generous” in rewarding the undercover officer’s help cracking down on Falun Gong’s non-profit status.

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