中国第一架国产商用喷气式飞机采用了大部分西方零部件和技术。 最大限度。 25% 中国制造 China’s first home made commercial jet has made by most of western part and technology. Max. 25% China made

Yes, It is True as Like the other Made in China Proeducts. Covered by China’s paiting but all major components comes from outside of country.
Look, Chinese. They are falling in Love with their “China home made comercial Jet”

Yes. This is the stereotype of CCP’s propaganda to it’s brainwashed peoples.

是的,它与其他中国制造产品一样真实。 由中国涂料覆盖,但所有主要部件均来自国外。
看,中国人。 他们爱上了他们的“国产商用喷气机”

是的。 这是中共对其被洗脑的人民宣传的刻板印象。

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