China, facing record youth unemployment, says it will stop releasing data on it 中国面临创纪录的青年失业率,表示将停止发布相关数据

China has manipulated everything since over 50years. virus covid-19, population count, economic measuresd, history, Inland’s disaster & it’s casualties, sex scandals from ccp insider’s and everythings to brainwashing their peoples. Especially have to watch the behavior of China’s 80s, 90’s, 00’s who has been systemcally brainwashing educated generations. 50多年来,中国一直在操纵一切。 病毒covid-19、人口统计、经济措施、历史、内陆灾难及其伤亡、中共内部人士的性丑闻以及对人民洗脑的一切。 尤其要看看中国80后、90后、00后对受过教育的一代进行系统性洗脑的行为

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