中国人的梦想是在美国生活. 为什么中国人移民美国的比例提高了900% ? 非正规中国移民的增多也令美国政府头疼不已。China’s Dream is to live in U.S.A. Why Chinese Immigrant to U.S.A has raised 900% ? Illegals Chinese immigrant has increasing also making big headache to U.S Government.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection reports a 900% increase in Chinese migrants crossing the southern border in the last year. “On Balance” host Leland Vittert asks: Who are all of these people? Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., said a considerable number of them have ties to either the Chinese Communist Party or the People’s Liberation Army. 美国海关和边境保护局报告称,去年穿越南部边境的中国移民数量增加了 900%。 《平衡》主持人利兰·维特特问道:这些人都是谁? 田纳西州共和党众议员马克·格林表示,其中相当多的人与中国共产党或中国人民解放军有联系。

Even as the debate over illegal immigration raged this month on Capitol Hill, 22 Chinese were among the many migrants making their way to these shores, using a scheme that is among the most dangerous and expensive ways to illegally enter the United States.

In early hours on April 5, 18 men and 4 women pried their way out of a 40-foot-long shipping container that had arrived in the port of Seattle from Shanghai the previous day after a two-week journey. They didn’t get far before security guards spotted them as they tried to find a way out of the fenced shipyard, and they were soon taken into custody by U.S. border security.

尽管本月国会山关于非法移民的争论如火如荼,但仍有 22 名中国人在前往这些海岸的众多移民中,他们使用的计划是非法进入美国最危险和最昂贵的方式之一。

4月5日凌晨,18名男子和4名女子从一个40英尺长的集装箱中撬出,该集装箱在经过两周的旅程后于前一天从上海抵达西雅图港。 他们没走多远,就被保安发现了,当时他们试图找到离开围栏的造船厂的路,很快他们就被美国边境安全部门拘留。

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