Chinese shadow bank Zhongzhi files for bankrupcty 中国影子银行中植申请破产




中植银行是中国规模达 3 万亿美元的影子银行领域的主要参与者(其规模与法国经济规模相当),其日益恶化的困境加剧了人们对中国房地产债务危机正在蔓延到更广泛的金融领域的担忧。

该公司在中国房地产行业拥有大量投资,该公司在 11 月份的一封信中向投资者致歉,称该公司严重资不抵债,负债高达 640 亿美元。

Chinese wealth manager Zhongzhi Enterprise Group has filed for bankruptcy liquidation after failing to repay debt, as the firm grapples with a deepening property market downturn.

Zhongzhi applied for bankruptcy on the grounds it could not pay its due debts and its assets were insufficient to pay all its debts, a court in China’s capital Beijing said in a statement on Friday.

The court said it accepted Zhongzhi’s bankruptcy liquidation application in accordance with China’s enterprise bankruptcy law.

The worsening woes at Zhongzhi, a major player in China’s $3 trillion shadow banking sector — roughly the size of the French economy — add to worries that the country’s property debt crisis is spilling over into the broader financial sector.

The company, which has sizable exposure to China’s real estate sector, apologized to its investors in a letter in November that said it was heavily insolvent with up to $64 billion in liabilities.

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