美国最头疼的是中国非法越境进入美国的浪潮。 现在,关于德克萨斯州“内战”的错误信息在中国传播。 无耻的中国人 USA’s Big Headache comes from Big waves of Chinese illegal border crossing to USA. Now, Misinformation spreads in China on ‘civil war’ in Texas. Shameless Chines people


自 2021 年初以来,已有超过 630 万移民非法进入美国,创下历史新高,加剧了总统乔·拜登和德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特之间的对峙。
作为“孤星行动”的一部分,阿博特先生试图阻止或阻止人们进入他的州,包括沿着伊格尔帕斯市安装约 30 英里(48 公里)的铁丝网屏障。 ……


……专门研究中国网络虚假信息的美国之音记者文浩在X上发帖称,“这几天中国网络上最大的涉美新闻是得克萨斯州州长向联邦政府宣战,而联邦政府却没有这样做”。 现实中发生”。
微博似乎确实已采取行动限制此类内容。 搜索带有 #TexasDeclaresAStateOfWar 标签的帖子,现在会显示一条免责声明,其中写道:“根据相关法律、法规和政策,无法显示该主题的内容。”
然而,在这个每月活跃用户超过 6 亿的热门平台上,仍然可以找到许多帖子。
福克斯新闻的旧视频也流传着身穿迷彩服的治安团体“保卫边境”的画面。 还有多段从智利流传的军用坦克视频被误认为是德克萨斯州的……

Popular Chinese outlets have been suggesting that events in Texas have led to deep divisions in the US widening to a point where unrest has become a stark reality.
More than 6.3m migrants have crossed into the US illegally since the beginning of 2021 – record highs that have intensified a standoff between President Joe Biden and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
As part of his Operation Lone Star, Mr Abbott has sought to block or deter entry into his state, including by installing about 30 miles (48km) of razor wire barriers along the city of Eagle Pass. …..

Here are China’s Fake news through their internet.. (All China’s Internet services are under control of governement. So,, All these kinds of Fake Newsin China could be think that it has beem released by China Givernment.

…..A Voice of America journalist Wenhao, who specialises in Chinese online disinformation, posted on X that the “biggest US related news on China’s internet for the past few days is Texas governor declaring war with the federal government, which did not happen in reality”.
“Netizens are cheering for what they call America’s self destruction,” the post added.

Social media users in China on Friday, for example, were able to read reports that Florida’s Republican governor Ron DeSantis is sending up to 1,000 members of the National Guard to Texas.

China often publishes such reports as a response to Western governments issuing critical comments on China’s handling of issues in Xinjiang, Hong Kong or Taiwan. It’s a way of saying: focus on your own backyard, instead of telling us how to run our country.

例如,周五中国的社交媒体用户可以看到有关佛罗里达州共和党州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯将向德克萨斯州派遣多达 1,000 名国民警卫队成员的报道。
中国经常发布此类报告,作为对西方政府对中国处理新疆、香港或台湾问题的批评意见的回应。 这是一种说法:专注于你自己的后院,而不是告诉我们如何管理我们的国家。

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