哈哈哈 那些中国人承认自己的罪过。 抖音 HA HA HA This Chinese knows their sin exactly what they did. tiktok

哈哈哈那些中国人承认自己的罪过. 在他们的公告上,将一些单词从“美国”更改为“中国”,从“tiktok”更改为 google, youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram ,telegram, kakao, line, yahoo, naver……”,然后就是这样 与中国完美真实对话 On their announcement , change some words from “usa” to “china”, from “tiktok” to “google,youtube,facebook,twitter,instagram,telegram,kakao,line,yahoo,naver……” , then That’s the perfect true talking to China 这种无法在公平竞争中获胜的霸凌行为,扰乱了企业正常经营活动,损害了国际投资者对投资环境的信心,破坏了正常的国际经济贸易秩序。” “最终,这将不可避免地反过来伤害美国本身,”王继续说道。 “This kind of bullying behaviour that cannot win in fair competition disrupts companies’ normal business activity, […]