中国瞄准友好媒体,外交官”讲述新疆故事” China targets friendly media, diplomats to ‘tell story of Xinjiang’

Foreign journalists and officials visiting Xinjiang challenge the official narratives, revealing a more covert genocide. Indigenous people are depicted as immigrants, and Islam as foreign, leading to a disillusioning visit to a so-called vocational center, later revealed as a prison. Despite tight information control, challenges to the presented stories are crucial. (Words: 50)

Chinese’s genocide on small ethnics 中国对小民族的种族灭绝Matchmaking app offers Uyghur brides for Han Chinese men 婚介应用程序为汉族男性提供维吾尔族新娘

中国共产党和中国人民放弃了人性,忽视了动物般的行为。The Chinese Communist Party and Chinese people give up being human and ignore animal-like behavior. China coerces Uyghur women into unwanted marriages 中国强迫维吾尔妇女被迫结婚 Uyghur Women Forced to Marry Han Chinese Men Beijing accused of forcing Uyghur-Han intermarriages 总部位于美国的共产主义受害者纪念馆中国研究部主任阿德里安·曾兹 (Adrian Zenz) 表示,合格的维吾尔族男子非常缺乏,因为当局将他们中的许多人关押在营地或监狱多年,因此需要用汉族人来取代他们。 基础。 郑国恩多年来一直在记录中国侵犯维吾尔人人权的情况,他说,这款应用程序是中国试图减少或稀释新疆穆斯林人口的另一个例子。 “我在2021年发布的人口优化措施,旨在稀释维吾尔族人口,优化人口结构,减少维吾尔族人口的集中度,结束维吾尔族的主导地位,”郑国恩告诉自由亚洲电台。 他之前写的一份报告。 There is a dearth of eligible Uyghur […]