中国瞄准友好媒体,外交官”讲述新疆故事” China targets friendly media, diplomats to ‘tell story of Xinjiang’

“他们把新疆的土著人民描绘成移民,把伊斯兰教描绘成对该地区陌生的宗教,”贾泽希说。 “这是不正确的 。 “





“They were portraying the indigenous people of Xinjiang as immigrants and Islam as a religion that was foreign to the region,” Jazexhi said. “It was incorrect.”

His disillusion only continued when he and other journalists were taken by their Chinese hosts to one of the so-called vocational training centres outside the regional capital of Urumqi.

“They said it was like a school but it was clearly a high-security site in the middle in the desert,” Jazexhi said.

“They also told us that the people staying there were not allowed to leave so it was obviously not a school but a prison and the people there were not students but prisoners.”

Once they entered the site, Jazexhi had a chance to interact with several Uighurs and it quickly became clear they were not the “terrorists” or “extremists” Beijing had claimed.

At the same time, information flowing in and out of Xinjiang remains tightly controlled, while Xinjiang residents are punished for having unauthorised contact with people outside China.

“The genocide is still happening but it is just much more covert now,” Turdush said.

Despite the controversy surrounding the organised tours, both Turdush and Jazexhi believe that foreign journalists and officials should continue to visit Xinjiang as long as they challenge the narratives that are presented to them.

“They should go,” Jazexhi said.

“And they should speak the truth about what they see in Xinjiang and what they don’t see.”






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