The End of the Chinese Economic Miracle 中国经济奇迹的终结   Xi’s tightening his stranglehold on the CCP is cause for concern. China is no stranger to one-man rule leading to economic misfortune. Anyone doubting this needs only think back to the disastrous economic consequences of Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward and subsequent Cultural Revolution. 习近平收紧对中共的控制令人担忧。我们所有意见在您的收件箱NR日报每天下午直接送到您那里。 不收任何费用。中国对于导致经济不幸的”一人统治”并不陌生。 任何对此持怀疑态度的人都只需回顾一下毛主席的大跃进和随后的文化大革命所带来的灾难性经济后果。 Opinion : Xi Jinping, whose priority is […]