中国今天非常平静、和平和安全,2024年08月也是如此 China is very calm and peaceful and safe today at 2024. 08 also

The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… 共产党向人民灌输他们的国家是安全的。有趣的是,这个方法对于中国人来说非常有用。 这是一个由70年的独裁、控制和洗脑创造的有趣的体系。The Communist Party indoctrinates its people into believing that their country is safe. Interestingly enough, this method works quite well for the Chinese people. It is an interesting system created by 70 years of dictatorship, control, and brainwashing. CCP […]