前英特尔总裁约翰·拉特克利夫说,新冠肺炎实验室泄漏的”唯一”解释 COVID lab leak ‘only’ explanation, ex-intel chief John Ratcliffe says

https://nypost.com/2023/04/18/ex-dni-john-ratcliffe-calls-covid-lab-leak-only-explanation/ 新冠肺炎大流行的起源一直备受争议。 从一开始,新闻媒体和他们在Big Tech的盟友就审查了许多合法的问题和关切。 但三年后,证据清楚地指出了被审查的方向。 前国家情报局局长约翰·拉特克利夫22日在众议院委员会上表示:”中国武汉研究室的新冠肺炎泄露是全世界数百万人死亡的唯一可信解释。” “我作为一名知情人士,在疫情爆发的最初一年里,一直并将继续作出评估,认为实验室泄漏是我们情报、科学和常识所支持的唯一可靠解释,” Ratcliffe在众议院新冠肺炎大流行小组委员会上表示。 The origins of the COVID pandemic have been hotly debated. From the very beginning, the news media and their allies in Big Tech censored many legitimate questions and concerns. But three years later, the evidence clearly points in the very direction that was censored. The former Director […]

所有疾病都来自中国 All Deseas comes from China. 中国报告首例人类因 H3N8 禽流感死亡 China reports first human death due to H3N8 bird flu

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/12/china-reports-first-human-death-due-to-h3n8-bird-flu 据世界卫生组织 (WHO) 称,中国南方一名 56 岁的妇女在 H3N8 禽流感检测呈阳性后死亡,这是该禽流感导致的首例人类死亡。 虽然 H3N8 是禽类流感“最常见”的亚型之一,但在去年 4 月和 5 月在中国出现两起病例之前,尚未在人类身上检测到 H3N8。 A 56-year-old woman in southern China has died after testing positive for H3N8 avian influenza, marking the first human death from that strain of bird flu, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While H3N8 is “one of the […]