China censoring Qatar World Cup crowds on TV by cutting away to hide maskless faces as rage grows of Covid lockdown | The Sun

中国是最后一个仍在努力通过快速封锁、冗长的检疫规则和大规模检测制度来遏制新冠病毒传播的主要经济体。 但严厉的限制与喧闹的世界杯人群形成鲜明对比,激怒了许多生活在中国的人。 卡塔尔不戴口罩球迷的形象向许多沮丧的中国人凸显了他们国家的 Covid 遏制措施与已经摆脱口罩和封锁的世界之间的差异。 China is the last major economy still trying to stamp out the spread of Covid with snap lockdowns, lengthy quarantine rules and mass testing regimes. But the contrast of the harsh restrictions with the raucous World Cup crowds has infuriated many living in China. The images of maskless fans in […]