中国共产党的洗脑教育造就了适应不了世界的中国人 The Chinese Communist Party’s brainwashing education has produced Chinese who cannot adapt to the world
中国人说,政府强迫每个人生育多少婴儿是很自然的。 中国人认为世界是一样的。 由中国脑力激荡的教育。 Chinese say it’s very natural government forced to have how many babies on every people. Chinese think the world is the same. By China’s Brainwahed education. 中国的爱国主义教育是长期的,不间断的。 中国共产党控制着社会的方方面面,包括经济、文化和媒体。 从幼儿园到大学的教育是中共的首要任务。中国共产党的洗脑教育造就了适应不了世界的中国人 China’s patriotic and war-wolf education is long-term with no interruptions. The Chinese Communist Party or CCP controls every aspect of society including the […]