Killing prisoners for transplants: Forced organ harvesting in China

organ harvesting in China

China is the only country in the world to have an industrial-scale organ trafficking practice that harvests organs from executed prisoners of conscience. This practice is known as forced organ harvesting.


中国是世界上唯一一个拥有工业规模的器官贩运活动的国家,该活动从被处决的良心犯身上摘取器官。 这种做法被称为强制摘取器官。

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Captured from article

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has acknowledged using executed prisoners as a source of organs to supply China’s medical transplant centers until 2015. But mounting evidence indicates that China continues to use prisoners—specifically prisoners of conscience—for forced organ harvesting. Moreover, the U.S. government takes Beijing’s denials of such reports at face value, while the American transplant sector collaborates freely with China in trainings, educational exchanges, research, publications, conferences, and other partnerships.

中国共产党 (CCP) 已经承认,在 2015 年之前,使用死刑犯作为器官供应中国的医疗移植中心。但越来越多的证据表明,中国继续使用囚犯——特别是良心犯——进行强制摘取器官。 此外,美国政府将北京否认此类报道视为表面现象,而美国移植部门在培训、教育交流、研究、出版物、会议和其他伙伴关系方面与中国自由合作。

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