人在中国失踪. 为什么中国的亿万富翁不断消失 Why China’s Billionaires Keep Disappearing




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阿里巴巴创始人马云最近出现在公司总部所在地杭州的云谷学校,成为头条新闻。 自从他在 2020 年激怒了中国共产党批评中国的金融监管体系以来,他就很少公开露面了。“他形容他们有一种‘当铺心态’,这确实激怒了很多人,”德克斯特·罗伯茨 (Dexter Roberts) 说, 大西洋理事会印太安全倡议高级研究员,《中国资本主义的神话》一书的作者。 “此外,马云的傲慢性格惹恼了中国的许多监管机构和非常有权势的人。” 马云并不是第一个从公众视野中神秘消失的亿万富翁。 2015年,有中国巴菲特之称的郭广昌失踪。 该公司后来表示,他正在协助当局进行调查。 2017年,加拿大华裔亿万富翁肖建华在香港被中国安全人员绑架。 2022年,他因诈骗和腐败被判处有期徒刑13年。 中国亿万富翁的神秘失踪还没有停止。 今年2月,知名投资银行家鲍凡成为“消失的亿万富翁”榜单上的最新一位。 然而,几天后,他的公司表示他“正在配合中华人民共和国某些当局正在进行的调查”。 经济学人智库全球贸易首席分析师尼克马罗说:“当像包凡这样的人消失时,像包凡这样高调的人突然消失而没有任何解释,这不可避免地会给其他市场带来一种令人不寒而栗的感觉。” “我的意思是,你怎么能觉得你可以在一个行业的重要领导者突然消失的地方做生意?”

Disappearing Billionaires: Jack Ma And Other Chinese Moguls Who Have Mysteriously Dropped Off The Radar

The disappearance last month of technology industry dealmaker Bao Fan has rekindled interest in a recent Chinese phenomenon – vanishing billionaires.

The founder of China Renaissance Holdings – with a client list that has included internet giants Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu – is seen as a titan in the country’s tech sector.

Mr Bao’s case has followed a well-trodden path: he went missing for days before his company announced that he was “co-operating in an investigation being carried out by certain authorities in the People’s Republic of China”.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, made headlines when he was recently spotted at Yungu School in Hangzhou, where the company is headquartered. He had rarely made a public presence since he irked the Chinese Communist Party for criticizing the country’s financial regulatory system in 2020. “He described them as having a ‘pawnshop mentality,’ and that really ruffled a lot of feathers,” said Dexter Roberts, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council Indo-Pacific Security Initiative and author of The Myth of Chinese Capitalism. “Also, just the brash character of Jack Ma rubbed a lot of regulators and very powerful people in China the wrong way.” Jack Ma wasn’t the first billionaire who mysteriously disappeared from public view. In 2015, Guo Guangchang, who is known as China’s Warren Buffet, went missing. The company later said he was assisting authorities with an investigation. In 2017, Xiao Jianhua, a Chinese-Canadian billionaire, was abducted by Chinese security agents from Hong Kong. In 2022, he was sentenced to 13 years in prison for fraud and corruption. The mysterious disappearance of China’s billionaires hasn’t stopped yet. In February, Bao Fan, a renowned investor banker, became the latest name on the list of ‘vanishing billionaires.’ However, a few days later, his company said he was “cooperating in an investigation being carried out by certain authorities in the People’s Republic of China.” “When someone like Bao Fan disappears, someone that high profile who suddenly vanishes without explanation, that inevitably sends a chilling kind of feel through the rest of the market,” said Nick Marro, lead analyst for global trade at the Economist Intelligence Unit. “I mean, how can you feel like you can do business in a place where, you know, an important leader of the industry can suddenly disappear?”

At the time of his disappearance Jack Ma was the richest person in China – he criticised financial regulators

Fosun International chairman Guo Guangchang. (Photo by HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP via Getty Images). 

Retired real estate executive Ren Zhiqiang. 

Billionaire dealmaker Bao Fan

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