中国是病毒王国:农场与新的疫情作斗争 China: Farms battling new outbreaks 新中国猪瘟毒株指向未经许可的疫苗 New China swine fever strains point to unlicensed vaccines


该公司首席科学官闫志春表示,两种新的非洲猪瘟病毒已感染了中国第四大生产商新希望六和旗下多个农场的 1,000 多头母猪,以及合同农户为该公司饲养的猪。 .

政府没有说明非法疫苗的使用范围有多广泛,也没有说明这些疫苗是由谁生产的。 但约翰逊表示,尽管如此,中国仍有“大量”猪接种了疫苗,许多其他专家也表达了同样的看法。

2004-5 年,当 H5 禽流感病毒株在亚洲蔓延时,中国实验室生产了几种未经授权的活禽流感疫苗,科罗拉多州立大学兽医学教授 Mo Salman 说,他曾在亚洲从事动物健康研究,提高 担心它们会产生危险的新变种。

The government has not said how widely used illicit vaccines are or who has produced them. But a “vast amount” of pigs in China have nonetheless been vaccinated, Johnson said, a sentiment echoed by many other experts.

In 2004-5, when the H5 bird flu strains were spreading across Asia, Chinese laboratories produced several unauthorized live bird flu vaccines, said Mo Salman, a professor of veterinary medicine at Colorado State University, who has worked on animal health in Asia, raising fears that they could produce dangerous new variants.

“The current ASF unlawful vaccine(s) in China is repeating history,” Salman said.

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