中墨芬太尼管道:越来越复杂和致命 | 阿片类药物危机 The China-Mexico fentanyl pipeline: increasingly sophisticated and deadly | Opioids crisis | The Guardian


这对只是将锡那罗亚卡特尔与中国公司和犯罪组织联系起来的链条中的两个环节,经过执法部门多年的调查,这些关系现在正越来越受到美国政府的关注。 The pair are just two links in a chain connecting the Sinaloa cartel to Chinese companies and criminal organizations, relationships that are now drawing increasing attention from the US government after years of investigation by law enforcement.

On 9 May, three weeks after the US Department of Justice issued the sweeping indictments that caught Rubio and Wu in their net, the US treasury department followed up with sanctions against Joaquín Guzmán López, 36, one of the four s
— Read on www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/18/china-mexico-opioid-traficking-us-sanctions

中国是世界最大的摩成瘾药物品供应商. 所有药物都是从ccp政府拥有的制药厂生产的。中国政府正在做毒品生意来毒害世界。中国人做任何能赚钱的事情 Chinese do whatever things can make money

All drugs are producing from ccp’s government owned pharmaceutical factories. China government is doing drug business to poisoned the World.

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