中国到处都有各种各样的灾难发生 What’s going on? Fires broke out in Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai, as well as earthquakes… 怎么回事? 天津、北京、上海等地发生火灾,地震…

Recently, various disastrous events have been happening in China. The people haven’t yet recovered from the floods in Hebei and Heilongjiang, and the earthquake in Shandong, while fires broke out in major cities like Tianjin, Beijing, and Shanghai in the past few days.

最近,中国发生了各种灾难性事件。 河北和黑龙江的洪水和山东的地震还没有恢复,而天津、北京、上海等大城市最近几天也发生了火灾。

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