中国新闻总是显示救援活动,但不显示灾难破坏和伤亡的细节 China News always shows rescue activity but not details show for disaster damage and casualties . Shenzhen received the arrival of Typhoon Haiku, causing the Shenzhen reservoir to overflow, forcing the government to release the flood, the whole city of Shenzhen was submerged in flood water, the whole city entered a state of emergency. 深圳迎来了台风”俳句”的到来,导致深圳水库泛滥,迫使政府放洪,深圳全市被洪水淹没,全市进入紧急状态中国新闻总是显示救援活动,但不显示灾难破坏和伤亡的细节

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